
Conference of the monarchical organizations of Moscow, dedicated to the memory of the royal martyrs

On 21 July The Conference of the monarchical organizations of Moscow, dedicated to the memory of the royal martyrs, was held. The conference began with the prayer invocation of the Holy Spirit and prayer to the royal martyrs.

The first speaker was RID coordinator Pavel Vasiliev. He built his report on the questions of the Russian Orthodox Church concerning the belonging of the found remains to the family of the last Russian emperor and comparing the answers to these questions of the current commission with the data that were received by the investigating commissions earlier. From the speech it becomes obvious that the conclusions of the current commission that the remains are genuine and the murder was not of a ritual nature are completely untenable.

Next, the writer Dionys Kaptar spoke out with criticism and condemnation of the degree of lies that modern Russian media unfolded against both the personality of the last Russian emperor and the idea of ​​the monarchy in general. In their attacks, media liars surpassed even their Soviet colleagues in the degree of shamelessness, absurdity, illiteracy. For example, the Brusilovsky breakthrough by the current TV-buffoons is served as a defeat for Russia; while recognizing the growth of the military industry at 7 percent per year (this is in a wartime period, without a decrease in civilian production), a “transport collapse” was declared at that period .... The impression is that the concept of logic is unknown to the broadcasters. The trick of Russia's losses in the Great War was completely cut off from all reality. Or even pearls that the king personally impeded the development of aviation, spread rot Sikorsky. The speaker called on monarchists to expose liars and to spread exposures in all available media space.

After that, Archpriest of the Russian Orthodox Church Vsevolod Chaplin took the floor. O. Vsevolod noted that those in power are following the monarchist movement, showing concern. The negative and blackening of the image of Nicholas II and the monarchical idea in a controlled media environment comes to a frenzy. O. Vsevolod called for humility and wisdom in confronting these frantic attacks. He expressed his approval that the conference brought together representatives of a wide range of monarchist movements, called for the consolidation of all monarchist forces and the attraction of new supporters. And they, according to the speaker, are unexpectedly many in the most unexpected circles, which showed the conflict around the scandalous film “Matilda”. O. Vsevolod noted that the current government was ideologically devastated, exhausted and “ready to topple”. The siloviki will not risk their lives for a cynical, deceitful, thieving government. Society is waiting for life-affirming ideas. Our ideas of sacrificial service, holiness - they are in demand. And the monarchical idea has every chance to establish itself in society.

Then the leader of the “Black Hundred” movement Shtilmark A.R. He reasonably noted that the objection to the lack of guarantees in the integrity of the heirs of the monarch can be confidently objected that in the electoral system a scoundrel is guaranteed to be 100 percent guaranteed. After all, in order to win, he must inevitably exalt himself, giving out false promises, and also dishonestly at the same time denigrate competitors. Can an Orthodox conscientious person do this? Of course, he does so be ashamed. As a result, the scoundrel is guaranteed to win.

Alexander Robertovich supported Fr. Vsevolod in his desire to "be with the people", to share his social demands for power, to spread the lofty ideals of the monarchical idea.
Further, the emergency leader criticized the well-known exaggerations in the idea of ​​the emperor's redemptive role for the sins of the people, saying that no one except Christ could atone for the sins of another person as his own.

The coordinator of the PDS NPSR who spoke after him was Filin V.I. called for the consolidation of all patriotic forces.

Following him, Kirill Myamlin also spoke on behalf of the PDS NPSR. He also noted that the investigation into the circumstances of the killing of the royal family was not set and that what happened was not an accident, but a natural phenomenon in the universal confrontation between Good and evil, God and his opponent, and that the ritual murder that occurred is the result of the loss of spiritual immunity in the Orthodox Russian society.
Designating three areas of Orthodox activity:
- direct communication of the human spirit with the Creator;
- ceremonial;
- and serving the neighbor;
The speaker noticed a weakening in the imperial period of the history of the third component on the part of the highest stratum of society. And in the Soviet period, the first two components were rejected, public attention is directed only to social programs. In our time, however, only the 2nd component prevails - ritualism.
Our task is to restore in our life all three components of Orthodox life. Witte and Stolypin reforms, which had a negative impact on the state of Russian society, were also assessed.

Then the representative of the Moscow department of the RID Alexey Klimin took the floor. He noted the divine spiritual nature of monarchical power, as opposed to democratic power as the "power of the trough." He also called for the revival and support of the ideal of heroic Orthodox service to God, the king and fatherland, in which lies the monarchical idea.

A representative of the Central Cossack troops of Russia and Abroad, who spoke after him, Kholin AV
outlined his understanding of the king's redemptive role, noted the ritual nature of the murder and argued for this. Also noted the dominance in Russia of various sects of a satanic character.

Then the veteran of the Orthodox patriotic movement in Russia took another word from the Pamyat “Memory” society, the author of the book “The Word and the Work of Ivan the Terrible”, V.M. Erchak. Having conveyed greetings from fraternal Belarus, he expressed joy in the revival of the monarchist movement. The speaker remembered how our enemies destroyed the “Memory” society, breaking it up into 9 warring groups, how the created V.M. Klykov NRC, which today is divided into 6 parts, and called for the monarchists to unite. The ritual character of the killing of the royal family was also noted. In particular, attention was drawn to the silence of the fact that when the first investigator Sokolov sifted the ashes at the place of burning the bodies of those executed, he found only TWO bullets. This suggests that the rest of those executed were not shot, but slaughtered. That all the walls were smeared with blood so that it could not be the result of a simple shooting. Attention is also drawn to the fact that in the rituals of famous persons always there are 11 lambs. 12 prisoners went down to the basement. But before the execution of the 12th arrested (the cook), they were taken out of the room so that only 11 remained. At the end of the speech, once again the wish was expressed not to allow another split in the monarchist movement.

After a short break, the second part of the Conference was opened by the leader of the Great Russia party, A.N. Saveliev. He criticized the current regime as a successor of the anti-Russian policy of the Bolsheviks only still on a larger scale. He also brought arguments refuting the opinion of our enemies that a monarchical idea is an anachronism. He urged the participants to propagate the ideals of the monarchy , noting that the monarchy is not an anachronism, but a political and social prize, a reward to a society that, by its consciousness and maturity, will be worth it. The speaker also argued that Nicholas II’s claims of volitional and political weakness were false, and he also expressed distrust in the work of the current commission to study the remains, since representatives of the country's monarchist public are not allowed to participate in its work.
Further, the issues of creating the Monarchist Movement of Russia as a common political platform for the interaction of all Russian monarchist movements were discussed.
It was proposed to create within the movement an ideological body in the form of the Monarchist Council, which could include leaders of movements willing to work on this platform, as well as the Coordination Council as the executive body for the preparation of common events and interaction between the organizations of the association.

Then Elena Rokhlina, speaking on behalf of the PDS NPSR, invited everyone to a rally against anti-people reforms organized by them on July 29 in Sokolniki Park. To the surprise of many at the Conference, Igor Chubais, the brother of the famous “reformer”, made an interesting report. He agreed with the words of Fr. Vsevolod Chaplin on spiritual poverty of power. He characterized the antagonistic attitude of the Soviet Union to Tsarist Russia "as a murderer towards the one killed". He cited many interesting facts about the falsification of the Russian history of the time of Nicholas II. In particular, according to reports of the high command of the empire during the period of military operations, 598 thousand soldiers were killed. And these figures were recognized by the Soviet government before the Second World War, citing them in their publications. Let the war at the Provisional Government claimed another 100 thousand lives. Total 700 thousand, i.e. LESS than the opponent. But when the losses of the Soviet Union in the war with Hitler Germany amounted to many millions of people, showing the "effectiveness" of the Soviet system before "tsarism", then the toll figures of the tsarist army shamelessly monstrously falsely climbed up. And the process continues. The following are the reasons for the Bolshevik storming of the Winter Palace on October 25, 1917. The fact is that on October 26, the capitulation and the withdrawal from the war of Austria-Hungary were planned (Russia in this case remained among the winners). Berlin urgently contacted Lenin about this and ordered him to do something! No wonder they equipped him and sent him to Petrograd. That is why Lenin's words sounded then, that “ Mr. Evolution is in danger! The delay of death is like! ”

The poetess Natalya Shakhnazarova read out her poems and also called for the unification of all the patriotic forces of Russia, embracing the life-affirming best historical experience of our people. Other representatives of monarchical organizations and public figures also spoke. The conference was concluded by Bishop of the non-aligned with the MP part of the ROCOR, Vladyka Sergius. His speech was mainly devoted to explaining the understanding of the atoning role of the king.

The Conference ended, as it should be for Orthodox events, with the prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos "It is worthy to eat."


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100.000 persones commemoren l'execució de l'últim tsar de Rússia

Cent mil persones van participar la matinada de dimarts 17 de juliol en una processó en memòria de l'últim Tsar rus, Nicolau II, i la seva família a Iekaterinburg, ciutat situada als Urals on ahir es van commemorar els cent anys de la seva mort. La processó, encapçalada pel patriarca de l'Església ortodoxa russa, Ciril I, i el governador regional, Evgueni Kuivaixev, va començar a la Catedral sobre la Sang, erigida a l'indret on es trobava la casa al soterrani de la qual va ser afusellada la família imperial russa el 17 de juliol del 1918 a mans dels revolucionaris bolxevics.

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