
Reconstruction of the ice campaign of General Kornilov held in the Kuban

The reconstruction of the events of the Civil War took place on April 13 in the village of Gorkaya Balka, Novopokrovsky District. Among its participants there were a lot of registered Cossacks of both the Caucasian Department of the troops, on whose territory the event was held, and of other departments of the Kuban.

The Kuban (Icy) campaign is the first campaign on the Kuban of the Volunteer Army commanded by General Lavr Kornilov in 1918. It is unlikely that in the entire military history in Russia there was any other army equal in heroism and despair to these "pioneers". The ice trip was nicknamed because of the severe frosts in March 1918.

More than half of the 44 days were battles, and if we consider the distance traveled, the detachment walked 1050 miles, which is more than 1,120 km. On April 16, 1918, the “Whites” army fought through the village of Gorkaya Balka. These events are shown in the military-historical reconstruction. The main purpose of the event is to attract the attention of the Kuban people to an important and memorable date, and also to remind that such a great and tragic campaign took place on our land.

Oleg Karpov, the ataman of the Volnensky farm Cossack society of the Assumption region, became the organizer of the reconstruction and the main coordinator of the project in the Kuban.
