
All-Russian Monarchist Center 30-year service to the Monarchical Idea in modern Russia.

The Winter Imperial Ball was held in Kolomenskoye in February 9th- dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the beginning of the monarchical activity - Chairman of the All-Russian Monarchist Center (Председателя Всероссийского Монархического Центра), Director of the Moscow Memorial Museum of the Russian Imperial Surname Nikolai Nikolayevich Lukyanov-Razumovsky. Veterans of the Monarchist Movement, leaders of friendly imperial social organizations were invited to the celebration. Among them were the Head of the Military Orthodox Mission (VPM), Counselor to the First Hierarch of the ROCOR Igor Smykov, President of the Moscow Aristocratic Club, Count Alexei Kamensky, Duke of Friulsky, Chairman of the Russian Alexander Imperial Committee Viktor Balyshev, member of the Council of the International Union of Nobility Nikolai Pokrovsky, famous historian Associate Professor of the RSGU, candidate Historical Sciences Evgeny Pchelov.

The Chairman of the VIC Nikolai Lukyanov-Razumovsky addressed the audience with a greeting - he briefly recalled the circumstances of the events of the early spring of 1989 - when he was still a police officer with colleagues, he organized a point on the Izmaylovo vernissage on the distribution of monarchical and Orthodox literature, as well as portraits of the Royal Family. It was there that the main core of the staff was formed - which were first organized as a Department of the Russian Imperial Union-Order. and later, when such an opportunity appeared, and they registered the Monarchic Center and the Museum of the Imperial Surname.

The VIC - presented I.Trushkin and S.Vasilyev, two volunteers of the Youth Association “Russian Traditions” for his great personal contribution and active participation preservation and popularization of the best traditions of Russian and European culture.

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El Comitè Nació i Llibertat a les manifestacions contra Putin

El Komitet Natsiia i Svoboda (KNS) va participar a les marxes del 24 de febrer a vuit ciutats russes. Denunciaven el terror polític i la cortina de ferro del règim de Putin en l'aniversari de l'assassinat de l'opositor Boris Nemtsov. Els assassinats de l'oposició, els defensors de drets humans i els periodistes periodísticament compromesos per part del Kremlin, van ser denunicats així com es va cridar l'atenció pública sobre el problema del possible aïllament de la Federació Russa des de l'Internet internacional (actualment s'està considerant la llei corresponent a la Duma). Al costat del KNS va marxar l'Associació de Resistència Popular amb les seves banderes negre-verdes. Ambdós grups s'oposen la guerra del Donbass. KNS és l'ala moderada del moviment Russkie (Russos) i va néixer el 2014.

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The 100th anniversary of the Kuban flag was celebrated in Krasnodar

The solemn event dedicated to the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Kuban flag was held on Defender of the Fatherland Day, February 23, on the Theater Square of the regional center. The governor of the region, Veniamin Kondratiev, took part in it.

The flag of the Krasnodar Territory, measuring 10 by 15 meters, was brought to the square by the Cossacks of the Guard of the Kuban Cossack Army. During the flag raising, the Kuban anthem was played by a brass band.

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Glazov estudia la proposta dels cosacs d'un monument al Tsar Alexandre II i als Exèrcits Blancs

A la fi de maig de 1919, els Exèrcits Blancs  encapçalats per Anatoly Pepeliaev van llançar una ofensiva contra Vyatka i el 2 de juny de 1919 va prendre Glazov, derrotant a l'Exèrcit Roig. En honor del centenari d'aquest esdeveniment, es proposa crear d'un "Carrer de la Reconciliació" plantant arbusts de lila blanca i vermella prop del monument als herois de la guerra civil. Els cosacs locals membres de la UROO "Prikamsky Cossack Division" i el club d'història local de la ciutat de Glazov proposen restaurar el monument al Tsar Alexandre II. Els historiadors locals consideren que és injust que la memòria dels morts dels homes de l'Exèrcit Roig quedi immortalitzada, però no als Guàrdies Blancs. També van proposar restaurar el monument al Tsar, instal·lat a Glazov en honor del 300 aniversari de la dinastia Romanov

El 19 de febrer, aquest recurs va ser considerat pels membres del Comitè Permanent de la Duma de Glazov.
Antic monument al Tsar Alexandre II que seria restaurat

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A memorial plaque to Kolchak installed in Omsk

A memorial plaque of Admiral Kolchak appeared today on the building of the Military Commissariat in the Central and Soviet administrative districts. The inscription on it reads:

"In this building in October-December 1918, Admiral A. V. Kolchak lived."

Apparently, we are talking about the project "Third Capital", supported by the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky, under which such signs are installed on buildings associated with the activities of the Russian government in Omsk in 1918-1919.

It is interesting that at the end of the building of the military registration and enlistment office there is another plaque that says that Red Army soldiers were leaving the building during the war years for the front. Therefore, the “neighborhood” of two characters turned out to be somewhat ambiguous. There is a question about the coordination of the “Kolchak” plank - after all, the building on Pushkin, 74, has the status of an architectural monument and nothing can be hung there without special permission. The military enlistment office is also a kind of national monument: the brick walls are dotted with inscriptions that have been left for draftees for decades.

Note, the perpetuation of the memory of the admiral often becomes a cause for scandal - the Communists and various social movements invariably oppose this, for example, The Essence of Time. A monument to Kolchak never appeared in Omsk, although it was made and delivered to the city. In St. Petersburg, a memorial plaque was doused with paint, and then the court decided to dismantle it in connection with the fact that Kolchak is still officially a war criminal after a court sentence of 1920. This decision was repeatedly appealed, but in 1999 the Trans-Baikal Military Court confirmed its legality. In 2017 years ago, a resident of Irkutsk filed a lawsuit in the Omsk Regional Court, demanding the rehabilitation of members of the Kolchak government, but did not succeed.

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In Dnepropetrovsk, a procession in honor of Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II

In Dnepropetrovsk, the Orthodox celebrated the anniversary of the arrival of the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II in the city. "On February 13, along the central avenue of the Dnieper, a column of Orthodox Orthodox of the Moscow Patriarchate passed, which thus marked the anniversary of the arrival of the Russian Tsar in Yekaterinoslav," the report says.

Believers and parishioners were convoyed along the central avenue of the city on February 13, on Wednesday. The situation was not spared by the Ukrainian media. The local newspaper commented on the situation in a publication dedicated to the move.

“The Moscovites organized their“ procession ”right in the center of the city, at one time one of the first to defend Ukraine against the“ Russian world ”. The churchmen walked along Yavornitsky Avenue from the railway station to Cathedral Square, where they already held a service “for the king and the Fatherland,” inside the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral, the journalists wrote.

At the same time, journalists remind their readers that Nicholas II is canonized "both in the Russian Orthodox Church and in the ROCOR." Hence the surprisingly profound conclusion of the Ukrainian masters of the pen: “That is, these individuals openly advocate the holy Muscovite“ martyr-hero ”, whose ancestors destroyed Ukrainian culture and statehood for several centuries.

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Meeting of Russian nationalists with monarchists

The meeting of the Great Russia (Великая Россия) party and the participants of the Monarchist Movement of Russia (Монархического движения России) on February 4th was devoted to the problems of interaction with other organizations and the joint preparation of the rally, which is scheduled for February 23 and will be devoted to the protection of the territorial integrity of Russia, as well as the anniversary of the Ice Campaign (101 years). The meeting left a dual impression.

People who are not indifferent to some topics react quite violently, but some kind of balanced approach sometimes escapes, and we lose the topic for which we have gathered. The first question for monarchists who cannot have any other faith than Orthodoxy is the question of an acceptable degree of participation in politics and the very goals that an Orthodox person can pursue in political processes. One of the destructive (in my opinion) approaches is an attempt to evade political issues in general, declaring that we "do not follow the advice of the wicked." One of the participants in the meeting reasonably remarked that Christ did not shy away from preaching to sinners. Another format of “escapism” is references to various kinds of prophecy, even recommending to expect the rebellion of the relics of Seraphim of Sarov, which should be turned into a living old man, pointing us to the king. Here I have already responded violently, although it was impossible to explain on this topic in the conditions of the meeting. I believe that prophecies should always be treated with caution, including their interpretations. Many of the prophecies and the words of holy people are in fact just apocrypha. The Resurrection in the flesh, as we remember, must happen at the end of time. Lazarus was resurrected by Christ, but still not from the relics. And, it seems, no one can boast of knowing a case where the relics would become living flesh. In addition, the hope for such a revival (as one of the participants of the meeting reasonably told me in a private conversation) is too similar to the expectation of Moshiach, who will appear and solve all the problems of our people, pointing us to the king.

The king is already assigned to us by the oath of cattle of 1613 and the laws of the Russian Empire. The question is only in the consideration by the Zemsky Sobor of legal arguments in favor of one candidate or another and of weighing all the objections before making a decision on calling to the Throne. The second question is how far can the compromises that monarchists can go to, by participating in the common cause of all Russian people for the salvation of Russia and the expulsion of the invaders? Here discord creates serious obstacles. Personal grievances, unwillingness to forgive unreasoned words regarding the future of the monarchy lead directly to an absurd sect, which may create some kind of smoothed historical reconstruction, but will in no way take part in preserving Russia and creating conditions when people understand that the best and only acceptable is the monarchical form of government. An attempt to determine the non-monarchical part of the "right" spectrum as accomplices of the communists is an extremely destructive position. Accomplicers are just those who are trying to mark people who are close in their outlook on the world with alien symbols. It destroys all cooperation.

Meanwhile, in the political spectrum of monarchists, natural allies are Russian nationalists and national patriots. As long as those and others do not mix with the “red ones” and do not slander themselves with their symbolism and rhetoric, cooperation is possible and necessary. The correct decision was the “Great Russia” and the NPSR movement not to participate in the “red” rally, supposedly dedicated to the protection of the Kuriles. Meanwhile, some monarchists at this rally, filled with portraits of Lenin-Stalin and other satanic symbols, nevertheless came. After this, it seems strange to repeat false information that our party and other organizations represented at the national-patriotic meeting allegedly cooperated with the communists in the elections by participating in the company of Pavel Grudinin . The company participated, but did not cooperate with the Communists. At least, I vouch for the party “Great Russia”: we did not cooperate with the Communists, and they too did not cooperate with us. A couple of times we met with representatives of the leadership of the Communist Party at technical meetings. And the intention of this organization to blot the election with “red paint” we perceived as a direct task of their supervisors - the KREMLYADI. This was the reason that Grudinin was not released to the second round. We have always considered and continue to consider the Communist Party of the Russian Federation traitors, and those who call themselves Communists and slander historical Russia are ordinary Russophobes. With them, of course, there can be no cooperation. The same applies to liberal-Western groups, as well as organizations serving the interests of the invaders. For our party, a priority would undoubtedly be an alliance with the organizations of Russian nationalists. But now there are no such people, since the project of the URN (managed by Russian nationalism ) implemented by the Kremlin has brought some to prison, others to the ukrobanderovschiny and passionate separatist Russophobia. We are waiting for the emergence of new Russian organizations and are ready to cooperate with them. Our national "patriots" are our natural "left" ally, and the NPSR is the closest and most understandable organization in which people continue their activities, with whom we have been organizing many meetings and conferences, as well as the annual Russian March , and all it is under the imperial banners, without any “redness” in words and symbols. Monarchists for us are natural allies "on the right." This cooperation is hampered by either direct betrayal and servicing of the invaders (first of all, talking about the pro-Putin, lackeys “Double-headed eagle”), or pride, shy of an educational mission in the “right” spectrum of society. At the meeting, we noted that the reproaches to the PDS NPSR can only be found to be insignificant to a small extent. The reproach that this non-monarchical organization is simply ridiculous. The Great Russia Party is also a non-monarchist organization. The reproach in the “red element” was partly true six months ago, but now, when the Communist Party’s treachery became obvious to many, “leftism” in the PDS NPSR began to fade - many previously “leftists” began to move to national positions. And this is a huge success of the leadership of the PDS NPSR, with which we are connected not only by a political union, but also by friendly relations. Of course, we were shaken and would be shaken, pulling out from our ranks those to whom “leftism” seems to be a convenient ally, behind whom, ostensibly, there is some sort of mass character. This is an illusion. Russia has long been a “non-aligned” country, and Russophobia is only covered by “Left-wing”. Ideologically, communism (like socialism) is dead. There are not the slightest signs of creative thought. Zombies are left from him, repeating only memorized propaganda stamps from the “Glory to Labor!” Series. Pushing PDS NPSR away, monarchists risk being left out of business and dissolving the “right” flank in the leftist simulacrum sponsored by KREMLYADI. The third aspect is purely practical. We are going to discuss something vigorously, but not everyone who discusses is ready to do something together. Take help, of course, rarely who refuse. But to help and not think. Not to mention the integration of many weak and heterogeneous projects into something holistic. This time, we again only declared the need to participate in a common cause - in preparing the upcoming rally. But those who offered to do something specifically and personally invest their strength, it turned out ... alone. And even the payment for the room where we had a meeting, which we always collected from school, this time had to be scraped up in our pockets. Apparently, the majority of participants decided that we have some sources of funding that cater for the desire of those who have gathered to talk in the spirit of "pique vests" and disperse without any obligations. It can be stated that so far our hopes that the formation of the Monarchist Movement of Russia (MDR), which took place this summer, did not materialize - a qualitative shift, activation, rallying of the monarchists, their return to political action did not happen. We are still at the level of discussions, which sometimes become a cause for discord. We came across not only the vagueness of orientations in the modern world for many of those who think that the Lord leads them in life, but also with the impossibility of simply agreeing on an even attitude to all Orthodox jurisdictions, among which there is no canonical continuity (including the Moscow Patriarchate). And here, instead of modesty and rationality, we also see the intention to establish a monopoly only of our jurisdiction, which comes not only from the priests, but from the laity who are trying to be holier than the Moscow Patriarch. Many of our "right" problems confirm that the idea in the "right" part of the political spectrum can only be Russian nationalism . The remaining ideological complexes are not thought out and cannot become a point of attraction for the Russian intellect and the Russian people as a whole. The social or national-state aspect of the worldview in Russian nationalism is shaped to the details, and therefore national patriots and monarchists, as the two wings of the pivotal direction, should focus on Russian nationalism . The Russian movement has no other way, Russia simply does not. Any other way is the collapse of statehood, the elimination of Russia and the Russians.

Andrey Savelyev
Great Russia 

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Celebrations dedicated to the memory of Cossack colonel Vasily Chernetsov, who died at the hands of the Bolsheviks, held on the Don

Russian Cossacks (Cossack Cadet Corps, The Great Don Army and Cossacks of the Great Don) recalled the tragic events of the beginning of the Civil War, the victims of which were the Cadets, Junker and the Monarchists, led by Colonel Vasily Mihailovich Chernetsov. The commemorations took place on February 1, 2019 in Novocherkassk, where a memorial service was held at the old cemetery, military honors were given and wreaths laid at the supposed burial place of the general from cavalry, elected Ataman of the Don Donskoy A.M. Kaledin. After a fraternal dinner, Cossack Cadet Corps was held a recital dedicated to the days of the memory of the tragic events on the Don.

On February 2nd, participants will gathered in the village of Kalitvenskaya in the Church of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos, pray for those who were killed in 1918-1920. In the village of Glubokoy, the battle was reconstructed from the march at the railway crossing, after which all participants in the reconstruction gave military honors at the Poklonniy Cross at the site of the death of the detachment V.М. Chernetsov, and in the evening in the farm Volchenskoy held a memorial service in the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity and giving honors at the cadet burial of the partisans-Chernetsov.

On February 3, reenactors followed the Bolshoy Log – Kaplitsa route, after which, in the area of ​​the Monastyrsky Tract, participants reproduced the military-historical maneuvers of the battle. At the end of the reconstruction, a memorial service for the fallen partisans of the detachment of Colonel Vasily Chernetsov at the Pokrovsky military chapel at Monastyrsky.

“It is very important for us to remember the history,” said the director of the department for the affairs of the Cossacks S.N. Bodryakov. This year, more than 100 cadets, including 70 cadets and 20 teachers of Shakhty general Yakov Baklanov of the Cossack cadet corps, 20 cadets of the Second Don emperor Nicholas II of the Cossack cadet corps, 20 cadets of the Don Emperor Alexander III of the Cossack cadet corps, and also almost 50 members of military history clubs from Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog, Azov, Shakht, Tatsinskaya stanitsa, 13 Cossacks of cavalry platoons of the Great Don Army from Millerovo, Azov and Oktyabrsky districts were involved in the events.

With the death of a detachment of young Cossacks under the beginning of a young Colonel Vasily Mikhailovich Chernetsov, the Civil War began on Don. In an unequal battle, a partisan detachment from the cadets of the Don Emperor Alexander III of the Cossack cadet corps, students of Don cadets and real schools, gymnasium students formed to defend the Don, and revolutionary Cossack front-line soldiers, with which in January 1918 in large numbers accumulated on the junction railway Station Deep.

January 20 (February 3 in a new calendar) in 1918 after a bright victory at the stations of Zverevo and Likhaya, as well as the capture of Kamenskaya stanitsa V.M. Chernetsov was produced by the Ataman A.M. Kaledin at the rank of Cossack colonel. However, the 27-year-old commander incorrectly assessed not only the mood, but also the number of Glubokaya’s enemy who had accumulated at the station, which was led by military foreman N.M. Golubov. The battle for the station turned for the partisans a tragic defeat. Many of the cadets, once captured, were immediately executed with a rifle butt to the back of the head. The revolutionary-minded Cossacks did not even regret the girls who served as sisters of mercy in the detachment.

V.M. Chernetsov was wounded during the battle and captured by NM Golubov. Despite this, the surviving partisans continued their attack on Glubokaya station from Kamenskaya stanitsa. As a result of the actions of the partisans V.M. Chernetsov managed to escape from captivity and take refuge in the village of Kalitvinsk, where he was born and was baptized. There he exhausted from his wounds. Chernetsov was taken outside the village, where, according to some information, he was shot, according to others, F.G. Podtyolkov personally killed him with a sword. In the course of these events, for the first time since the October Revolution of 1917, the Cossacks came together in battle, brotherly blood was shed. The Don Civil War was began.

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