
The 100th anniversary of the Russian Exodus was widely celebrated in Crimea

Kerch honored the memory of all those who more than a hundred years ago were forced to leave their homeland as a result of the fratricidal war.  On April 25, 2021, within the framework of the Days of Remembrance dedicated to the centenary of the Russian Exodus , flowers were laid at the cross at the Kerch sea station, according to the...

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Kuban's Parade to the 30th anniversary of the rehabilitation of the Cossacks

On April 24, a parade of historical departments of the Kuban Cossack army took place in Krasnodar, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the rehabilitation of the Cossacks. The event took place on the Main City Square in compliance with all sanitary and epidemiological requirements - behind closed doors without spectators. The event was...

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A monument dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the end of the Civil War was unveiled in Sevastopol

A monument dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the end of the Civil War in Russia was opened in Sevastopol. Recall that the original idea was to erect a monument to Russian people forced to flee from the Bolsheviks who occupied the country. Hence the place of installation - the embankment...

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Kornilov's commemoration by the Tsargrad Society

 On April 17th in Yekaterinodar, at the site of the death of General Lavr Georgievich Kornilov, aKornilov commemoration took place. The memory of the general of the Volunteer Army, the heroes of the volunteers and the Cossacks came to honor the Cossacks of the Kuban Cossack army, headed by Ataman Vlasov, representatives of Cossack societies,...

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Prayers for the Cossacks who suffered from genocide after the revolution were held in the churches of North Ossetia

In honor of the innocently murdered Cossacks who suffered from genocide after the revolution, prayers were held in the churches of St. John the Warrior in Vladikavkaz and Alexander Nevsky in the village of Arkhonskaya. On the territory of the Terek region for twenty years, more than 12,000 people, including children and the elderly, have suffered. Many were sent into exile. In memory of the 101st anniversary of those tragic events,...

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