El Gran Duc ho ha fet en una entrevista a Komsomolskaya Pravda on recorda que va visitar Crimea el 2013 i anuncia una nova visita així com projectes caritatius per ajudar-la per part de la Casa Imperial. Segons Jordi Vladímir Putin està defensant amb èxit els interessos del país. Extractes en anglès de les declaraciosn del Tsarèvitx:
“I was in Crimea in 2013, I know many people there and I will definitely visit this place again and I hope not only once. We supported Crimea’s accession into the Russian Federation from the very beginning, when they held a referendum. We have cultural and charity projects working on the peninsula. My mother and I will go there again, but not for PR purposes and not for ticking the box, we will do it when the interests of our cause demand it".
“Of course I hear a lot of criticism in Russia’s address, but there are also weighted statements by serious people who understand that no balance is possible in the world without Russia and common recognition of Russia’s great role in the international politics. The Imperial House and most of people who are loyal to us think that Vladimir Putin is successfully defending his country’s interests.”