
A Tallinn s'ha recreat un altre monument als Guerrers Blancs de l'exèrcit del nord-oest del general N.N. Yudenich

El 16 de desembre de 2022, el metropolità Eugeni de Tallinn i tota Estònia va consagrar la capella de Sant Jordi restaurada, un monument dedicat a les guerres de l'exèrcit del nord-oest del general N.N. Yudenich.

La història d'aquest modest memorial és tràgica. Al districte de Kopli de Tallinn, fins al 1951, hi havia un cementiri on van ser enterrats més de 700 soldats de l'Exèrcit Blanc que van morir de tifus a principis de 1920. Gràcies a l'esforç de l'emigració russa, l'any 1936, s'hi va construir una capella-monument en nom de Sant Jordi el Victoriós, segons el disseny de l'arquitecte rus Alexander Ignatievich Vladovsky. La seva col·locació va tenir lloc el 19 de juliol, i ja el 25 d'octubre va ser consagrada pel llavors metropolità de Tallinn Alexandre (Paulus).

Consagració de la capella al cementiri del nord-oest de Kopli
“Ahir, en un dia gris i de vent, els russos van venir al cementiri de Kopli per participar en la pregària en la consagració de la capella en honor de Sant Jordi el Victoriós, construïda a la fossa comuna dels soldats de l'exèrcit del nord-oest. En acabar la litúrgia, el Metropolita Alexandre va arribar al cementiri, col·laborat per sis sacerdots i quatre diaques, amb la participació del cor unit sota la direcció de M. Suurset, el Metropolità va fer el ritu de consagració de la capella. Mentre cantava "Senyor, salva el teu poble", es va retirar el llenç blanc que cobria l'entrada de la capella, el Bisbe va entrar a l'interior i va ruixar les parets del sant.
En acabar la cerimònia de consagració, el metropolità Alexandre es va dirigir als congregats amb una paraula sincera. Amb paraules sinceres, va parlar de la gran gesta dels enterrats aquí, d'aquelles malalties i angoixes mentals, de les esperances enterrades i que el Senyor havia recollit els seus turments i llàgrimes a la seva copa i el dia del judici del Senyor cridaria a tots. d'ells turmentats i carregats en el seu Regne brillant.
Després es va celebrar un funeral solemne a la tomba dels soldats. Pel seu treball gratuït en la construcció de la capella, l'arquitecte A. Vladovski va rebre l'Orde de Plató, II grau".
"Notícies del dia", núm. 244 (3307), 26 d'octubre de 1936

No obstant això, només 10 anys després, el 1946, la capella va ser destruïda per les autoritats soviètiques, i el cementiri va ser finalment destruït. Només l'any 1991, la Societat per a la Protecció del Patrimoni Històric Rus a Estònia va aixecar una pedra en memòria dels nord-occidentals i va plantar roures.

L'any 2020, per iniciativa de l'Església Ortodoxa Estònia (MP), es va iniciar la restauració de la capella de Sant Jordi.
La Societat de Sant Jordi, creada especialment, estava recollint donacions. Les autoritats de la ciutat de Tallinn van oferir una gran assistència a la implementació del projecte mitjançant la compra del terreny. La nova icona de la capella va ser creada pel pintor d'icones Sergei Minin (la icona antiga, amb rastres de bales, es troba a l'església de Sant Nicolau de Tallinn). La majoria dels fons van ser donats per creients ortodoxos i residents russos solidaris a Estònia. Entre les organitzacions que hi van contribuir hi ha l'Estació de l'Ambaixada del Comboi EIV i la Representació General de l'Ordre de la Unió Imperial Russa a la Unió Europea.

La consagració de la capella estava prevista pel setembre. Però per raons alienes a l'EPC, això només va ser possible el passat divendres 16 de desembre. El ritu de consagració va ser realitzat pel metropolità Vladyka Eugene al servei del clergat de Tallinn. La cerimònia d'obertura va comptar amb la presència de l'alcalde de Tallinn M. Kylvart, l'alcalde del districte de Pyhja-Tallinn M. Pyhlap i diverses persones més. Entre els presents hi havia un representant cosac de la Posolskaya Stanitsa i el pintor d'icones Vladimir Anshon, que va dipositar una corona de flors dels imperials europeus a la pedra commemorativa de la SZA.

(L'article utilitza materials del lloc web de l'EPC https://orthodox.ee. Foto de M. Anshon.)

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Servei commemoratiu als llocs on viuen els descendents de Gallipoli


En memòria d'aquest esdeveniment, la Junta Principal de la Unió de Descendents de Gallipoli va prendre la decisió anual, el dissabte més proper al 22 de novembre, sempre que fos possible, de servir un servei commemoratiu als llocs on viuen els descendents de Gallipoli i els guerrers blancs.

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Premis EMRO per distincions de combat

El president de la Unió Militar General va signar una ordre per premiar els voluntaris de l'EMRO que es van distingir durant l'Operació Militar Especial a Ucraïna.
L'1 d'agost de 2022, en el Dia del Record dels Herois de la Gran Guerra, el president de la Unió Militar General Russa, el capità I.B. Ivanov va signar una sèrie d'ordres per atorgar als voluntaris de l'EMRO que es van distingir durant l'Operació Militar Especial a Ucraïna amb les medalles "100 anys de la lluita blanca" amb espases per a la distinció militar, així com per atorgar espases per a la distinció militar a més de les medalles existents. .
Una d'aquestes ordres diu, en part:
"A través del treball militar i la sang de soldats de l'exèrcit rus, formacions armades de la DPR i LPR i voluntaris russos, les terres primordialment russes, arrencades de la nostra pàtria pels bolxevics i els seus successors, són alliberades del règim titella d'Ucraïna. nacionalistes i separatistes De nou, com en 1917-1920 i 2014, la terra de la Nova Rússia i els guerrers russos de Slobozhanshchina entren en batalla per la fe ortodoxa, per la Rússia Gran, Unida i Indivisible, pel dret del poble rus a viure a la seva terra. sense por, per parlar i criar els seus fills en la seva llengua materna Honor i glòria a tots els nostres companys que en aquesta lluita, amb les armes a la mà, avui recolza dignament les tradicions de combat de l'exèrcit rus. Unió Militar i voluntariat!

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Conferència en línia amb V.Zh. Tsvetkov "General A.I. Denikin: liberal rus d'uniforme"

El 12 d'agost a les 20:30 conferència en línia amb V.Zh.  "General A.I. Denikin: liberal rus d'uniforme".

Inscripcions per correu:

Tsvetkov acaba de presentar d'un nou llibre molt interessant  sobre la batalla per Crimea a la tardor de 1920.

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Dozens of thousands pay tribute to the Russian Imperial Family killed in 1918

The ARNS Forum "Orthodoxy and the World in the 21st Century" was dedicated to the killing of the Russian Imperial family on July, 17 1918, at which he delivered a lecture "Empire. Image of the Future". Soon the Royal Procession begins from the Yekaterinburg Church on Blood, erected on the site of the regicide, to Ganina Yama, where the bodies of the martyrs were destroyed.

Konstantin Malofeev, the founder of Tsargrad, and head of the Double Headed Eagle Society said: "Every time I participate in this procession, I experience an amazing feeling of spiritual and national unity. But today it is special: many thousands of Russian Orthodox people who arrived in Yekaterinburg on the Tsar's Days are right now conciliarly praying to the Royal Passion-Bearers for the Russian Victory, stolen from us in 1917, when the Russian Empire was already preparing for the Bosphorus operation and the liberation of Constantinople."

The main procession of the year [video] - the Royal Way from the Yekaterinburg Church on the Blood to the Monastery of the Holy Royal Passion-Bearers on Ganina Yama - has been passed. The triumph of Russian unity, sanctified by Holy Orthodoxy, is revealed to the whole world. Feelings overwhelm: tens of thousands of Russian people united in spirit shoulder to shoulder in a single impulse.

Sverdlovsk Governor Yevgeny Kuyvashev appeared at the Divine Liturgy, which is the main event of the Tsar’s Days in Yekaterinburg. The religious procession from the city center to Ganina Yama began without the participation of the head of the region, a URA.RU correspondent reports from the scene.

“Column with the participation of metropolitans [Екатеринбургского] Evgenia and [Ташкентского] Vincent moved out from the Temple-on-the-Blood. Several thousand people are participating in the procession,” the correspondent said. It is planned that the pilgrims pursue to the village of Shuvakish, from where they turn to Ganina Yama. There is no exact data on the number of participants in the course yet.

The non-appearance of the governor at the procession of the religious procession is considered natural. According to URA.RU, since July 2021, Kuyvashev has been in extremely cold relations with Metropolitan Eugene (Kulberg). On the eve of last year’s religious procession, they had a conflict: due to the coronavirus pandemic, the head of the region banned the procession, but the bishop still called on the faithful to gather. Kuyvashev was pissed off.

Negotiations were conducted with the metropolitan, and he agreed to the only concession – he urged pilgrims to wear protective masks. Since then, relations between the two leaders have remained tense, according to rumors, they have never spoken in a year. This time, Kuyvashev was expected at the procession in connection with the upcoming gubernatorial elections: in September, the head of the region runs for a new term.

The last time Kuyvashev participated in the procession was in 2018, when the procession was timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the execution of the Romanov royal family. Then the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill flew to Yekaterinburg. He was accompanied in the column by the first persons of the Sverdlovsk region, and in total more than 100 thousand people came out to that procession.

The expedition commander, cosmonaut Oleg Artemiev got in touch with the participants of the “Tsar’s Days” in Yekaterinburg. He greeted them during the night service, Metropolitan Eugene of Yekaterinburg reported on his telegram channel.

“Before the procession, during the night service at the Church on Blood, the pilgrims were greeted directly from the ISS by the expedition commander, Russian cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev. Let us pray to the Holy Great Martyr Catherine for our cosmonauts and wait for their return to Earth, hoping to share the joy of communion in the year of the 300th anniversary of Yekaterinburg,” the metropolitan wrote.

Artemiev, in turn, conveyed his regards to the pilgrims and congratulated the people of Yekaterinburg on the upcoming 300th anniversary of the “city of St. Catherine”. He showed that on board the rocket is an icon of the patroness of Yekaterinburg. After returning to earth, the cosmonaut plans to return it to the one who gave it – Metropolitan Eugene.

In Yekaterinburg, the Royal procession took place at night. It was attended by 50 thousand people, of which five thousand were pilgrims who came from other cities and countries. Earlier, the agency said that the head of the region, Yevgeny Kuyvashev, missed the procession, attending only the service. Before the start of the procession, one of the Yekaterinburg women fainted.

 Ceremony in Kuban 

The main events of the Tsar's Days took place in Yekaterinburg - the Royal Procession and the Prayer at Ganina Yama 

Russia: In Yekaterinburg, the procession in memory of the Romanovs gathered about 36 thousand people

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Aplec del Regiment

Trekking de 10 quilòmetres a cavall a l'Aplec del Regiment. Durant la campanya, es va practicar el desplegament de destacaments en formació de batalla i la interacció de cavalleria i infanteria, inclòs amb un carro metrallador tirat per cavalls. L'any vinent afegirem un de tres polzades! Aneu àguiles!

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"Renaixement de l'exèrcit rus", dedicada a la història del Moviment Blanc

Els dies 1, 2 i 3 de juliol, el nostre club, amb el suport de KSK "Derzhava", va celebrar una reunió històrica-militar "Renaixement de l'exèrcit rus", dedicada a la història del Moviment Blanc. Els participants de l'esdeveniment van ser els nostres amics i persones afins de Moscou, Sant Petersburg, Voronezh, Zheleznogorsk, Belgorod i la regió. Aquests tres dies van incloure molts esdeveniments: passejades a cavall, demostracions per als convidats de l'esdeveniment, competicions de tir i tall de sabre, classes d'entrenament militar i de simulacre i molt més! I tot això en un ambient espiritual d'obertura, unitat i comprensió mútua. El nostre grup publicarà diverses publicacions amb una descripció més detallada dels esdeveniments d'aquests tres bonics dies de sol.


L'abril de 2022 el regiment celebra el seu 10è aniversari! La cerimònia d'encesa va tenir lloc l'any 2012 a l'Església de l'Arcàngel Miquel del poble de Golubino. La imatge de la Mare de Déu a la pancarta era la patrona de la comunitat agrícola Blagoveshchenskaya de l'organització Novooskol stanitsa. Després de la reorganització del poble de Novooskolskaya i la creació del club històric-militar cosac "Belgorod Zasechnaya Cherta", l'ataman Ruslan Leonidovich Iskra el va traslladar al club el 2013.

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Cossack Volunteers sent to the Donbass


Eight Cossack volunteers left the Military Commissariat of the Kalachevsky District for the area of ​​the special military operation in Donbass. Confessor of the Kalachivske-on-Don, Priest Valery Nikulov blessed the soldiers to fight the fascist plague on the territory of Ukraine. Ataman OKO "Second Don Cossack District", with the sponsorship of all those who are not indifferent, understaffed the guys with uniforms and special equipment for more efficient performance of combat missions.

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The Russian Tsesarevich announces that his wife is pregnant


"I am happy to inform you that Victoria and I are expecting a new addition to our family this autumn." With this message George Romanov (1981) Tsesarevich, Grand Duke and Imperial Highness which is still being questioned. He is the son of Maria Vladimirovna (1953), the claimant to the Headship of the Imperial Family of Russia. Grand Duke George Mikhailovich of Russia married in Moscow on 24.09.2021 Rebecca Virginia Bettarini (1982), with 1,500 guests and having received the permission of Grand Duchess Maria. His mother decreed that Bettarini would have the title of Princess, with the predicate "Her Serene Highness" and the right to use the surname Romanova from her marriage, which therefore implies that theirs is a morganatic union.Victoria Bettarini is the Director of the Russian Imperial Foundation. She is daughter of Roberto Amedeo Simeone Bettarini (1947), an Italian diplomat, ambassador in Luxembourg from 2006 to 2010 and in Brussels from 2010 and 2013, and wife Carla Virginia Cacciatore (1945). On 12 December 2008, the Tsesarevichhe was appointed an aide to the Director General of MMC Norilsk Nickel, a major Russian nickel-mining company. In 2012 he was nominated chief executive of Metal Trade Overseas, the main sales hub for Norilsk Nickel in Switzerland. In 2014 he started his own company, Romanoff & Partners, in Brussels.

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Memorial cross in memory of the Cossacks of the Don Army killed by the Communists in 1918-1920

Not far from the farm Rakovka (Sukhov-2) of the Mikhailovsky district, the Cossacks of the Ust-Medveditsky district (Mikhailovsky yurt) erected a cross in memory of the Cossacks of the Don Army, who defended the faith of Christ and the All-Great Don Army in 1918-1920. place of the brutal execution of cornet Ivan Kolodkin Felippyevich and ensign Bagrov. The memory of the dead was honored with a minute of silence and a volley of weapons was fired.

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Union of Cossack Warriors of Russia and Abroad talks about the role of the Cossacks in the conflict in Ukraine

The Russian Cossacks actively support and participate in the operation in Ukraine. At the same time, the state is removed from a full-fledged dialogue with it, says Cossack colonel, member of the Supreme Council of the Union of Cossack Warriors of Russia and Abroad Nikolai Kolzhanov

According to the All-Russian Cossack Society, there are 170,000 registered Cossacks in Russia. Their main task is to help organize public order and cultural and patriotic education. Cossacks are also participating in the current conflict in Ukraine - up to 10 Cossack units numbering over 4 thousand people are fighting on the side of the union republics of Donbass. However, the Cossacks traditionally want more - the revival of the whole estate, says Nikolai Kolzhanov - the captain of the Soviet army, a Cossack colonel, a member of the board and a member of the Supreme Council of the Union of Cossack Warriors of Russia and Abroad.

Nikolai Kolzhanov joined the Cossacks in 1992. Interaction with the Cossacks began when he became the head of the administration of the village of Glubokiy, Kamensky district. Later he began to serve in its ranks. In 2005, the plenipotentiary representative of the President of Russia in the Southern Federal District Dmitry Kozak awarded him the rank of colonel of the All-Russian Cossacks.

Against the backdrop of a military special operation in Ukraine, Nikolai Kolzhanov told Expert Yug about the role the Cossacks play today in the ongoing events and about their relationship with the state.
The Cossacks today are many public organizations

- What is the Cossacks on the Don today?

- Today, more than 4 thousand people are in public Cossack organizations and about the same number are in the register, although there are much more Cossacks on the Don. Previously, there were about 50 such organizations in Moscow, and all of them were called almost the same - "Union of the Don Cossacks."

Many of their participants are former officers and generals of the Soviet army. Some of them did not previously burn with love for the Cossacks, and today they are in its ranks. But they will never go to the Donbass, because they believe that they have already won back theirs. Sometimes they do something useful and good. But this does not negate the main problem - today the Cossacks are a heterogeneous phenomenon.

- It turns out that today the Cossacks do not have any common and unified structure?

- There is the "All-Russian Cossack Society", which is headed by Nikolai Alexandrovich Doluda (State Duma deputy and former deputy governor of the region). In theory, all Cossack societies should be under his auspices. But inside them there are, to put it mildly, dubious elements that received high Cossack ranks in a not entirely honest way. The Cossacks are now so complicated. It has many problems. It has won a lot of awards. And the awards, in my opinion, spoil the Cossacks.

I know what I'm talking about, because in the service I was the ataman of the Glubokinsky Cossack yurt for 23 years. Then he was elected Ataman of the Donetsk District for two terms - for 9 years. In 2015, in Belaya Kalitva, I resigned and retired. I was an ataman of varying degrees - a yurt, and then a district, which includes nine cities.

Was Donbass part of the district you commanded?

- Donetsk and Luhansk were in another state, and because of this, huge difficulties arose. In fact, I did not command them for a day. Delegations of chieftains came to us from there, but they had their own "wedding", and we have our own. The Ukrainian Cossacks suffer from the same problems as ours. There, too, there are enough hetmans who undeservedly put on orders. Today, the bad thing about the Cossacks is that it is so diverse that they do not all come to us. When he left the post of ataman of the All-Great Don Army, Vodolatsky Viktor Petrovich, being a State Duma deputy, created the "Union of Cossack Warriors of Russia and Abroad". He put forward my candidacy for the post of chairman of the Council of the Elders of this Union. And since then, since 2015, I have been leading it.

Nikolai Kolzhanov and Vodolatsky

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The anniversary of the rehabilitation of the Cossacks is celebrated in the Kuban

The law of the RSFSR "On the rehabilitation of repressed peoples" was adopted on April 26, 1991. This day is of particular importance for the Kuban Cossacks, because they have the opportunity to return to their way of life, with its traditions and culture. Cossacks are an integral part of our society, they are always at the forefront, in the service of the state. Even now, in difficult conditions, the Cossacks remain at their posts - at the state borders, as part of mobile detachments, together with representatives of law and order, they monitor security and compliance with quarantine measures. Today, the Kuban Cossack army of the Starominsk region has 670 people. 18 people are serving. 

The system of Cossack education of the district includes 2 schools and a kindergarten, as well as 9 classes and groups of Cossack orientation with a total number of more than 300 people. The ataman of the district Cossack society is the military foreman Vladimir Vasilyevich Gorb. - On the eve of our main holiday, I wish everyone a peaceful sky, health and strengthening of primordial traditions. Let's not forget the main thing - the strength of every nation is in unity! Confessor of the Starominsk Cossacks Father Alexander sincerely wished all the Cossacks of the region: Remember your history and draw the right conclusions. A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack, this must be adhered to. The ataman of the village Cossack society, Nikolai Nikolaevich Kostenko, told what he had to start with at first: – Cossacks for me is life. When the law on our rehabilitation came out, they immediately began to act in the direction of restoring everything that had been lost during the years of Soviet power. It was very hard at times. Many did not understand why this was necessary, they called it “mummers”. The whole way of life, all the traditions of the people were destroyed and eradicated over the years. Our task is to revive and pass on to children the traditions, lifestyle and spiritual values ​​of the Kuban Cossacks. So that our children honor their parents, protect their Motherland and love their Motherland. The Chief of Staff Igor Alexandrovich Kalinin spoke in more detail about the activities of the Cossack society. - For thirty years of active work on the restoration of the Cossacks, a lot has been done, and even more remains to be done. In recent years, many difficulties have arisen, not all plans have been implemented, although we have made a big breakthrough and achievements in the education of young people. Two schools with Cossack education have appeared in the district, I would like more, but so far it is not always possible to achieve the approval of parents, although, if we talk about children, they are willing to meet and attend training camps and competitions with pleasure, there are many interested young people and in military-patriotic clubs. The Union of Cossack Youth has been created in the region, we have organized a branch of the Union on the basis of Cossack schools, classes and groups of Cossack orientation. There are more than 500 of them in total. - What exactly are you trying to recover? - First of all, to restore the patriotism of young people, which is not in the word itself, but in concrete deeds. Such as volunteering, helping and supporting loved ones, restoring spiritual values ​​and family life. Men have become more passive than women - this is not right. Before, in Cossack families, the way of life and way of life was clearly spelled out by time. The woman was the guardian of the house and family, the entire household lay on her shoulders, and it was not worth it for her to wave a saber on the battlefield. A woman must be loved, protected and carried in her arms, but a man is a protector, he must defend the honor, the Fatherland and be the main support and breadwinner, the core of the family. The Cossack, by his Orthodox faith and conviction, is first of all a master on earth. It is these moral guidelines that I want to restore and instill in young people. - What are the main tasks of the Cossacks these days? - Now it is important to work with the provision of humanitarian aid. We provided first aid to children and women who were evacuated from the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Funds were allocated by the district Cossack society, they were used to purchase goods for refugees. Help was sent to Rostov-on-Don. Now an action of humanitarian aid is being organized for our troops involved in a special operation. Schools and military-patriotic clubs have collected everything the soldiers need. The guys wrote letters to soldiers in military hospitals and in the war zone. Warm words of children will be a good spiritual support for them.

Cossacks of the Krasnoarmeisky district celebrate the 31st anniversary of the rehabilitation of the Kuban Cossacks The law "On the rehabilitation of repressed peoples", including the Cossacks, was adopted on April 26, 1991

A prayer service for the Kuban Cossack army was held in Krasnodar

Cossacks of the Yekaterinodar District Cossack Society took part in a combined-arms prayer service on the square in front of the Cathedral of the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky, a prayer service of the Kuban Cossack Army was held, dedicated to the 31st anniversary of the rehabilitation of the repressed peoples, in which about 2 thousand Cossacks of the historical departments of the Kuban Cossack Army, including the Cossacks of the Kuban capital, took part. “The law became not only the starting point for the revival of the Russian and Kuban Cossacks, but also allowed us to once again be openly proud of the glory of our great-grandfathers, as well as to revive the Cossack way of life on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory. During this time, the Kuban Cossack army restored the historical departments, strengthened and became the largest registered Cossack army in the country, with a population of over 57 thousand Cossacks, - said the vice-governor, ataman of the troops Alexander Vlasov. Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Senator from the Krasnodar Territory Vladimir Beketov and First Deputy Ataman of the All-Russian Cossack Society Konstantin Perenizhko took part in the combined-arms prayer service on the square in front of the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. As well as cadets of the Cossack corps, representatives of the power structures of the region, the clergy. The Divine Liturgy was officiated by Metropolitan Gregory of Ekaterinodar and Kuban. The Cossacks of the Yekaterinodar District Cossack Society took part in the prayer service - about a hundred people in total. - Ekaterinodar Cossacks traditionally take part in events dedicated to the rehabilitation of the Cossacks. We honor the memory of our ancestors, educate our youth according to the traditions laid down once by atamans, including the Knights of St. George, - said Alexei Klyushkin, head of the department for Cossacks and military personnel of the Krasnodar administration. After the prayer service, the procession and the ceremony of consecrating memorial plaques and the opening of a new Cossack memorial in the Church of the Holy Right-Believing Prince Alexander Nevsky in honor of 300 Cossacks - full Knights of St. George took place. For many years, archival research to search for the names of heroes was carried out by the author of the series of books “St. Thanks to his work, not only names and surnames became known, but also the affiliation of the Kuban Cossacks, St. George Knights to battalions and regiments on the fronts of the First World War. The law "On the rehabilitation of the repressed peoples, including the Cossacks", was adopted on April 26, 1991.


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A detachment of Cossack volunteers was formed in the Kuban to participate in Ukraine

Cossacks from all over Russia are participating in Ukraine, there are 1,500 of them. This was announced by the Deputy Governor of the Krasnodar Territory and Ataman of the Kuban Cossack Army Alexander Vlasov. The other day, the Kuban Cossack army formed another detachment of Cossacks - about 400 people, who will soon go to Ukraine.

The Kuban Cossacks support the decision of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to conduct a military operation in Ukraine and recognize the independence of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics. Now about 1,500 Cossacks from all over the country, including the Kuban, are already taking part in the special operation.
Previously, the Kuban Cossacks took part in hostilities in Transnistria, Afghanistan, Abkhazia, Syria, Yugoslavia and South Ossetia. They have experience and professional training, since since 2014 they have participated in hostilities on the side of the Donetsk and Luhansk Republics. Thanks to the military field training that the Kuban Cossack Army has been organizing for more than 14 years, the Cossacks have all the necessary skills and experience.
Ataman of the Kuban Cossack army Alexander Vlasov stressed that in March, the Cossacks sent humanitarian aid to civilians in the LDNR - 45 thousand kilograms of food and water, essentials and personal hygiene products. The collection of humanitarian aid and the formation of new detachments of Cossacks - volunteers will continue.

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Kuban Cossacks honored the memory of General Kornilov

A commemorative event dedicated to the 104th anniversary of the death of Lavr Kornilov took place on April 16. To honor the memory of the Cossacks who died during the Civil War, the Cossacks of the Yekaterinodar department of the Kuban army, the clergy, and members of the public arrived at the memorial complex at the entrance to the capital of the Kuban.

The vice-governor of the region and ataman of the Kuban Cossack army Alexander Vlasov, deputy chairman of the Krasnodar City Duma Gennady Ufimtsev, Metropolitan Grigory of Ekaterinodar and Kuban took part in the Kornilov commemorations.

A guard of honor was put up at the monument to Lavr Kornilov, a banner group and Cossacks of the Kuban Cossack army lined up on the site in front of the monument and the sculptural composition "Horses". A memorial service for the Cossacks who died during the Civil War was conducted by Metropolitan Gregory with the participation of the confessor of the Kuban army, rector of the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, John Garmash. Those present honored the memory of Lavr Kornilov with a minute of silence. Wreaths and flowers were laid at the monument in his honor.

“The hard times of the civil war are a difficult time, difficult to assess historically. We hold traditional Kornilov commemorations so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past,” said Alexander Vlasov.

The monument to the Commander-in-Chief of the Volunteer Army Lavr Kornilov is located at the site of his death in 1918 during the storming of Yekaterinodar. Today, this territory is located within the city - on Kalinina Street. Lavr Kornilov died from wounds received in the explosion of a shell that hit the headquarters of the Volunteer Army on the banks of the Kuban River. Currently, reconstruction work is underway in the headquarters building.

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Russian Imperial Union-Order tribute at Alexander Nevsky monument on the 780th anniversary of the Battle on the Ice

On April 12, 2022, on the 780th anniversary of the Battle on the Ice, associates of the Tula Department of RIU-O laid flowers at the Alexander Nevsky monument.

On April 12, 1242, the "Sun of the Russian Land" Holy Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky defeated the "knight dogs" on Lake Peipus.
The Holy Prince Alexander with his sword protected Russia and Russian husbands from enslavement from the West, and with his humility from final destruction from the East. This man understood a simple thing: Russian civilization and Western civilization are not compatible.
Alexander Yaroslavich saw the essence of the Catholic West, its ferocious onslaught on the East, the desire to conquer and assimilate peoples, including Orthodox ones. He realized the truth that the Tatars needed tribute and obedience, but they would not touch the Russian soul. The West needs the soul of a Russian person, which the West tried to remake in its own image.
Alexander Nevsky made a choice between external and internal slavery. But external slavery led the Russian people not only to spiritual victory, but also to unprecedented state greatness, to the Russian Empire!
Under the banner of Alexander and with his heavenly blessing, Russian warriors, just like 780 years ago, are now fighting the bestial aggression of the West.
On the 780th anniversary of the Battle of the Ice, the comrades-in-arms of the Tula Department laid flowers at the monument to Alexander Nevsky on Alexander Nevsky Square in Tula.
Earlier, the Russian Imperial Union-Order addressed the Administration of the city of Tula with a proposal to return the historical name of Alexander Nevsky to Perovskaya Street, since it is not worth equating the Holy Prince with a murderer and a terrorist! We strongly condemn the communist toponymy of murderers and terrorists on the maps of our cities!
The imperials of the Tula department proceeded along the long-suffering street, distributing informational leaflets with an appeal: to take care of their historical heritage, to remember and honor the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky, to fight the communist dominance of murderers and terrorists in geographical names.

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Kuban Cossacks are in no hurry to join the battle for Donbass

Social projects instead of fighting the enemy. The struggle for grants and socially useful work for the famous Kuban Cossacks turned out to be much more important than the interests of the state, for which the Russian army is fighting in Ukraine. The struggle for grants and socially useful work for the famous Kuban Cossacks turned out to be much more important than the interests of the state, for which the Russian army is fighting in Ukraine. The followers of the battle atamans are not yet in a hurry to join the fight. In the Kuban, local Cossack units teach young people how to get grants and recruit new members to the community. The importance of street greening projects, coastal clean-up work is extremely important work, which, however, will not help our army on the front line.

“We have described the problem of green areas, our city is industrial. Therefore, I would like to develop this direction. Well, the coastal zone. Now she is starting to improve. We have two beaches in the area. One of them is better, another one - we are trying with the help of our colleagues to find solutions here," said Nikolai Lutsenko, senior teacher of the Timashevsk Cossack Cadet Corps.

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Note of the Supreme Council RIU-O - Imperial response to the "Ukrainian question"

In the circulars of the Supreme Council of the Russian Imperial Union-Order (RIU-O), in the decisions of the Imperial Congresses, the need for political self-education was repeatedly emphasized. Moreover, this provision is enshrined in the RIU-O Charter (§66). Unfortunately, we have to state that the associates are not attentive enough to this issue, which sometimes seriously affects their activities, and especially the degree of moral stability in crisis situations.

The modern Ukrainian unrest, which began in 2014, and the recent special operation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as it turned out, caused an ambiguous attitude to what was happening and led to the fact that a number of associates (albeit very few, but including imperials with considerable experience ) left the Order ranks. They were "amazed" by the position of the RIS-O on the "Ukrainian issue", as well as the call for the organization of material assistance to refugees and victims in the territory of New Russia and Little Russia! Without touching the moral side of such decisions, it is obvious that this "amazement and confusion of minds" is, among other things, the result of elementary ignorance on the most important issues of the Imperial ideology.

Yes, modern living conditions often make it impossible to have enough free time to read the capital works of well-known ideologists of Russian monarchical statehood. But anyone can read or listen to a couple of publications. Many articles, studies and books about Ukrainian separatism have been written in the Russian Diaspora. I. Solonevich, I. Ilyin, A. Sedykh and many other thinkers and publicists worked on exposing this malignant phenomenon. Their main works have been republished in Russia and are also available online. Learning from this experience should be a vital need for every Imperial today.

In the current situation, taking into account the existing need, we consider it necessary to once again outline the position of RIU-O on the Ukrainian issue. In this regard, we bring to the attention of our associates and like-minded people the following theses:

1. We are an Orthodox and monarchist organization that categorically does not accept any revolution, revolutionary ideology, etc.

2. We do not recognize the Ukrainian people outside the common triune nation! The Little Russians are an integral and organic part of the Russian people, along with the Great Russians and Belarusians. Some ethnographic and linguistic differences are the result of 400 years of occupation of the southern and western Russian lands by the Catholic Commonwealth.

3. The separatist concept of Ukrainians as a separate people was created by the Poles after the division of the Commonwealth at the end of the 18th century. They sought to prove that Russia was not returning the lost lands of Ancient Russia, but was tearing away from Poland regions that had never belonged to Russia and had nothing to do with it in the past. These ideas were picked up in the 19th century by revolutionary elements on the territory of Little Russia, and their final development was in Austria-Hungary, where the term "Ukrainian" had a political content - the ideologists and adherents of Ukrainianism opposed themselves to the Rusyns (Carpatho-Russians), whose sympathies were on the side of Russia. It was in Galicia, under the patronage of the Austro-Hungarian special services, that the "Ukrainian" alphabet was created. With the outbreak of the First World War in Galicia, mass ethnic cleansing of the Rusyns began, in which the "Svidomo" figures of Ukrainians took the most ardent part, surpassing even the Hungarians and Austrians with their cruelty.

4. Ukrainianism, like Bolshevism and other subversive revolutionary currents, has always been supported by the enemies of Russia. At various times it was sponsored by Austria-Hungary, Germany, Poland, the USA and even Japan. The latter “discovered” the Ukrainian “Green Wedge” in the Far East (the territory from Blagoveshchensk to Vladivostok).

5. The Bolsheviks, the true creators of the Ukrainian "state", favored the "Ukrainian idea" very much. It was under the leadership of Lenin that the modern boundaries of this chimerical formation were established, and Stalin led the total Ukrainization of these territories.

6. Ukrainians constantly sought to split the Russian Orthodox Church. And its most radical wing generally supported the Uniates of Greek Catholics. The advocates of independent Ukraine were not interested in religion itself. They needed a "national church". It doesn't matter what dogmas she professes, the main thing is that she cultivates the "Ukrainian spirit" in her flock.

7. Since the 1920s, the Ukrainian movement, which was in exile at that time, has been increasingly absorbing ultranationalist Russophobic ideas. The OUN headed by S. Bandera becomes the vanguard of Ukrainian chauvinism and separatism. The latter clearly articulated the attitude of Ukrainian nationalists towards Russia: "any Russia is our enemy."

8. In the process of the collapse of the USSR, local divisions of the party nomenklatura, with the support of local KGB structures, formed the current Ukraine, where yesterday's communists had real power, and the ideology was borrowed from foreign Bandera. On its basis, under the careful tutelage of the SBU (the recent KGB), the cultivation of neo-Nazi youth organizations. In fact, Russian and Russian-speaking youth were turned into Janissaries of aggressive Ukrainian nationalism, which was not going to remain within the existing borders, but openly claimed the Voronezh, Kursk, Rostov regions and Kuban.

9. Over the past two or three decades, a quasi-state entity has been created in Ukraine positioning itself as Anti-Russia, controlled by the ruling circles of the United States and its satellites, which, using openly extremist organizations under direct foreign leadership, seeks to change the Russian national self-identification of our compatriots and coreligionists in accordance with the mythology of Ukrainians. At the same time, it resorts to wild, barbaric methods, from wholesale robberies, heinous abuses and murders of individual defenseless people, children, women, the elderly, just civilians, to savage actions of mass intimidation, ethnic discrimination-segregation and real genocide. Unheard of since the time of the Bolshevik persecution, terror is unleashed against the Russian Orthodox Church. Temples and monasteries are destroyed, clergymen, monks and laity are exposed to repressions, mental violence and physical destruction. And all this is happening with the clear approval and encouragement of the Western curators of the Ukrainian Vyrus and non-Russians, who continue the millennia of theomachism.

Summing up the above, it must be admitted that the idea of ​​Ukrainianism is initially revolutionary, anti-Russian and anti-Orthodox. It was created and fully supported (at all stages of its existence) by the enemies of Russia, as a tool for weakening, and ideally, destroying our Fatherland.

Therefore, we cannot put up with Ukrainianism! It, in essence, is a denial of the unity of the Russian people, a denial of the Russian Autocratic Monarchy and the unity of the Russian Orthodox Church. Our Imperial duty is to promote in every possible way, in word and deed, any positive possibility of the reunification of the Russian lands and the Russian people.

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Head of the Russian Imperial Union-Order D. A. Sysuev took part in the round table "Modern youth and the ideals of Holy Russia"

March 21, 2022 at the invitation of the leadership of the Faculty of History and Law of the Mordovian State Pedagogical University. M. E. Evsevyeva, Head of the Russian Imperial Union-Order D. A. Sysuev took part in the round table "Modern youth and the ideals of Holy Russia."
The event took place on the basis of the center of spiritual and moral culture with the participation of teachers and students of the 4th and 5th courses of the specialty "History and Law". In his speech, D. A. Sysuev noted the relevance of the chosen topic of discussion, emphasized the importance of the idea of ​​Holy Russia for the past, present and future of our Fatherland. This ideal filled the existence of the Russian people with deep meaning throughout almost the entire period of its historical development. There was no manifestation of pride and self-exaltation in it, on the contrary, the ideal of Holy Russia turned our ancestors to high examples of faith, holiness and piety, moving them to correlate their lives with them, to follow the path of spiritual growth. It is in relying on the enduring values ​​of Orthodoxy, as the spiritual core of Russian culture, that we can see the guarantee of our coming spiritual rebirth. And the younger generation should be aware of their involvement in the heritage of their ancestors, be worthy of the great mission that lay on the shoulders of many generations of our predecessors - the bearers of the ideal of Holy Russia. Through familiarizing those present with the milestones of service of the Russian Imperial Union-Order, a living connection of spiritual succession between Historical Russia and the bearers of its spirit in modern conditions was shown. At the end of the speech, numerous questions were raised regarding various aspects of the history and current state of Russian society. The meeting participants were donated materials covering this issue and, above all, the work of the famous representative of the Russian Diaspora, P.S. Lopukhin, “Holy Russia and the Russian State”. The discussion was held in an interested and friendly atmosphere, the mutual desire was expressed to continue such meetings.

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