
Head of the Russian Imperial Union-Order D. A. Sysuev took part in the round table "Modern youth and the ideals of Holy Russia"

March 21, 2022 at the invitation of the leadership of the Faculty of History and Law of the Mordovian State Pedagogical University. M. E. Evsevyeva, Head of the Russian Imperial Union-Order D. A. Sysuev took part in the round table "Modern youth and the ideals of Holy Russia."
The event took place on the basis of the center of spiritual and moral culture with the participation of teachers and students of the 4th and 5th courses of the specialty "History and Law". In his speech, D. A. Sysuev noted the relevance of the chosen topic of discussion, emphasized the importance of the idea of ​​Holy Russia for the past, present and future of our Fatherland. This ideal filled the existence of the Russian people with deep meaning throughout almost the entire period of its historical development. There was no manifestation of pride and self-exaltation in it, on the contrary, the ideal of Holy Russia turned our ancestors to high examples of faith, holiness and piety, moving them to correlate their lives with them, to follow the path of spiritual growth. It is in relying on the enduring values ​​of Orthodoxy, as the spiritual core of Russian culture, that we can see the guarantee of our coming spiritual rebirth. And the younger generation should be aware of their involvement in the heritage of their ancestors, be worthy of the great mission that lay on the shoulders of many generations of our predecessors - the bearers of the ideal of Holy Russia. Through familiarizing those present with the milestones of service of the Russian Imperial Union-Order, a living connection of spiritual succession between Historical Russia and the bearers of its spirit in modern conditions was shown. At the end of the speech, numerous questions were raised regarding various aspects of the history and current state of Russian society. The meeting participants were donated materials covering this issue and, above all, the work of the famous representative of the Russian Diaspora, P.S. Lopukhin, “Holy Russia and the Russian State”. The discussion was held in an interested and friendly atmosphere, the mutual desire was expressed to continue such meetings.