
Presidential Library Receives Declassified Documents on Rasputin's Surveillance

The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library in St. Petersburg have received a unique collection of documents from the Tobolsk State Archives. The 239 declassified documents dating 1914-1916 show the disorder in the Secret Service and other departments of the intelligence service of the time. The documents also contain valuable information of the secret surveillance of Rasputin, which began in 1915. The materials reflect a dramatic financial condition and a poor administration of the police, despite the fact that Rasputin, by contrast, felt confident and had sufficient means.

Most of the documents until recently were classified as "secret," "top secret," "personal," etc. Letters are in handwritten and printed form, some with pencil and ink marks.

"Correspondence with the Police Department, the Tobolsk provincial gendarmerie, district police officers about the organization of agent service" shows that in the difficult time of the World War I secret agents were dismissed due to the under funding, their salaries were reduced, they were offered to serve on a temporary basis. Confirmation of these facts we find in the presented documents. For example, a letter from the head of Tobolsk provincial gendarmerie Vladimir Dobrodeev addressed to his assistant in the Tyumen and other counties, captain Kalmykov of March 7, 1915: "For the salary of secret agents... we are given only 200 rubles per month... In addition, the Police Department offers to spend money with proper frugality, avoiding cost overruns." The answer of captain Kalmikov was immediate: "Of all the agents in my service I find it necessary to keep the "Skilled" and the "Fast" in Tyumen and the "Soldier" in Turinsk. As to the others, they can be either dismissed or demoted."

The correspondence also touched upon the reduction of agents’ salaries: "...reduce the salary of everyone, as much as you acknowledge it possible. When declaring them all of it do not inform them about the real reason for their dismissal or reduction of their salaries, as otherwise, out of selfish motives, they may give you a fictional information, which in no case can be tolerated."

After that the chief Dobrodeev raises the question not only of the value of staff, but also of the reliability of the agents as a whole: "Are your agents reliable? Instruct them to observe complete secrecy, keeping in mind that in some critical cases it is better to step away in a timely manner in order not to prang both the agents and the whole operation..."

In the summer of 1915, by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the suite of His Majesty, Major-General Vladimir Dzhunkovsky, there was established secret surveillance of Grigori Rasputin. Under the guise of guards two secret agents were assigned to him, who regularly reported to St. Petersburg Police Department about all travels, visits, and also provided the complete information about the visitors to Rasputin.

The correspondence makes it clear that the secret service was not up to surveillance of Grigori Rasputin, so they repeatedly suffered failures in their work. For example, the head of Tobolsk provincial gendarmerie writes to captain Kalmykov: "We need to find out, for what purpose Rudolf Berg came to Rasputin from Perm." Then he received a response from the agents: "Since Rudolf Berg had stayed only a few hours, it was not possible to find out or what purpose he came to Pokrovskoe to see Rasputin." The next episode is related to the failure of the agents to provide information.

August 25, 1915 Vladimir Dobrodeev writes to captain Kalmykov: "You have been ordered to monitor all activities of Grigory Rasputin and to inform me of everything... I did not receive any report about the outrages that Rasputin had made on the steamer called "Tovar-par." Yet, according to the chief of the province the actual state councilor Stankevich, whom I talked to today, the Tyumen county district police officer had carried out an investigation of this case." The agents reported: "On the boat Rasputin was drunk heavily, behaved outrageously and offered some books, but I did not pay attention to the content..."

Heads of the secret service feared of getting imaginary or incorrect information from their agents, whereby there were extraordinary occurrences. For example, the head of Tobolsk provincial gendarmerie was angered by the obscurity of one of the telegrams received from the agents. It did not indicate the date of Rasputin’s departure for Petrograd. The chief wrote a threatening letter: "From this I conclude that the sergeant Ivan Ivanov, who has been serving as a sergeant for ten years, fulfills his official duties not carefully enough...

Such negligence caused unnecessary correspondence, the report was somewhat late, almost daily, and quite involuntarily 2 rubles 42 kopecks were spent for sending unnecessary telegrams...., causing damage to the treasury." But it soon became clear that the order to collect a penalty and make a reprimand to sergeant Ivanov was unfair, he was innocent of what had happened: the figure was mistakenly omitted by a functionary on duty of the Tobolsk postal and telegraph office, while copying a telegram from the tape. Then the chief of the Tobolsk provincial gendarmerie recognized the injunction as invalidated, and ordered to inform the chief of the office "Dear G. Yerofeyev" about it "in a cautious manner."

While the police investigated the case of the figure missing from a cryptogram and spent breech time for conversation, fighting for a questionable economy, Rasputin traveled by steamers, and finally went away by train in a 1st Class wagon to St. Petersburg.

At the same time it appears that the decrease in salary, reduction of staff, checking the usefulness of the information provided due to mistrust, search for various "clues" to fight with Grigory Rasputin in the background of the events of World War I led to a serious failure. July 22, 1915 it became known of an important and serious neglect of the secret service: "In the kerosene depots in Tyumen on the Tura River there is a wireless telegraph, by which the local Germans and the prisoners spread the information from the theater of war through Saratov," that "the company Br. Nobel replaced the Russian, who served there before by the Germans, that the spread of telegrams is done by a German newspaperman."

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Reobre un edifici emblemàtic de l'Esglèsia Ortodoxa Russa

La Casa de l'Eparquia (Diocesi) fou inaugurada pel Patriarca Ciril II a Moscou el 26 de juliol en una cerimònia religiosa i el dia següent el president Vladímir Putin va visitar-la amb el batlle de Moscou. Putin va afirmar que Rússia aprèn de les seves victòries i "errades" com ara tancar la casa.

Va ser aixecada el 1901 durant el regnat del Tsar Nicolau II i consagrada el 1902. Després de la revolució fou el lloc on es reunia el Consell de l'Església Ortodoxa Russa. Aquest va restaurar el títol de Patriarca en la persona de Tikhon. Aquest va destacar per la seva posició anti bolxevic i va condemnar l'assassinat de la família imperial però no va marxar a l'exili i va morir a Moscou el 1925. El Patriarca fou canonitzat el 1981.

La Casa fou clausurada el 1922 però des de 1918 ja s'havien prohibit els actes a la mateixa. Els bolxevics la van saquejar. Fou retornada a l'Església el 2004 i ara, restaurada, el successor de Tikhon 'lha reoberta oficialment.

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60.000 persones marxen en record del Tsar i la seva família

Una immensa marxa, de tres quilòmetres i amb 60.000 persones va coronar els "Dies Reials" a Ekaterimburg. La commemoració anual dedicada a la Família Imperial Russa va desfilar en ordre incloent-hi una delegació monàrquica japonesa. Icones, cosacs i banderes imperials omplien la marxa que va acabar al Monestir dels Sants Màrtirs Reals en Ganina Yama dedicat a la família del Tsar Nicolau II.

Les imatges dels vídeos resum de la marxa nocturna són impressionants.

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Reunió anti bolxevic a Moscou coincidint amb el dia de l'assassinat de la família imperial.

Diverses organitzacions de la societat civil russa han convocat una reunió dedicada al tema de l'expansió de la neo-bolxevisme a Rússia. La reunió se celebrarà a Moscou el 18 de juliol i coincidint amb el dia de l'assassinat de la família imperial.

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Unique documents on Denikin's talks with mountaineers brought from France to Chechnya

One of the jewels of the archive, which Chechnya has received from France, are the reports of Europeans on the situation in the Caucasus in 1917-1921, as well as documents about the negotiations of Anton Denikin with mountaineers, said Mairbek Vachagaev, a historian. 
For a long time, the events in Northern Caucasus during the Civil War were covered one-sidedly and require an independent study, experts say. The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that in June this year Mairbek Vachagaev, President of the Association of Caucasian Studies in Paris, handed over to the Archival Department of Chechnya 50,000 pages of archival materials on history of the Caucasus, which he had copied in France. 
 In November 1917, in the territory of Dagestan and highland districts of the Terek Region of the Russian Empire the Mountain Republic was proclaimed. The government of the republic was dissolved in the spring of 1919, after the territory of Dagestan was occupied by troops of General Denikin. From September 1919 to March 1920, the Islamic state of North-Caucasian Emirate existed in the territory of Dagestan and Chechnya. 
The study of these documents helps to understand how Frenchmen, Germans, Turks and Britons treated the situation in Northern Caucasus in 1917-1921. According to Vachagaev, of particular interest are the documents about the characteristics, which were issued to mountain leaders, as well as the correspondence of mountaineers with European states. These materials present a lot of new facts about the relationships of mountaineers with Cossacks and Bolsheviks.

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Inauguració d'un nou monument a Nicolau I a Noginsk

El 2 de juliol de 2015 la Unió Ortodoxa de Portadors de Banderes va assistir a la inauguració del monument a Nicolau I en el "Passeig dels Romanov" del districte de Noginsk de la regió de Moscou. L'esdeveniment cerimonial va començar amb un servei fúnebre per l'emperador Nicolau I, qui va fer l'abat de l'abat del monestir Evmeny (Lagutin).

L'esdeveniment va comptar amb la presència Sergei Stepashin, que en nom de la Societat Imperial Ortodoxa Palestina. També va comptar amb la presència de representants de l'administració del districte de Noginsk, representants de diverses organitzacions monàrquiques i residents locals.

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Consagració de la capella dedicada als cosacs assassinats a Lienz

L'1 juliol 2015 a Lienz (Àustria) en motiu del 70 aniversari de la matança de cosacs a Lienz es va consagrar una capella ortodoxa que va ser consagrada per l'Església Ortodoxa Russa a l'Exterior.
La part russa va estar representada en la cerimònia per cosacs de Rússia i de l'estranger, la RIU-O i el Moviment d'Alliberament de Rússia.
També hi hagué supervivents de l'expedició a Lienz, que van expressar la seva alegria per la represa de la tradició del pelegrinatge de feligresos a Lienz. En particular, va destacar que la preservació de la memòria de les víctimes del règim comunista un deure sagrat per als cristians ortodoxos.

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