
A book about the struggle of the Terek Cossacks against the Bolsheviks during the Civil War published

"Terek Cossacks at the Turn of the Era. Anti-Bolshevik Armed Forces of the Terek Cossacks in the Civil War (1917-1922)" is a new book by Yuri Pyltsyn, published by M. B. Smolin Publishing House (FIV). The publishing house of M. B. Smolin (FIV) published a book by the candidate of historical sciences, head of the Yekaterinburg department...

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Russian Imperial Union-Order prayer service for the health of the Empress Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna

A prayer service for the health of the Head of the Russian Imperial House E.I.V. Empress Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna. On Saturday, December 25, in St. Petersburg, at the initiative of the local department of the Russian Imperial Union-Order, a prayer service was served for the health of the Head of the Russian Imperial House H.I.V....

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Russian Imperial Union-Order : The ceremony of awarding participants and prize-winners of the XVII Alekseevsky competition took place in Saransk

On December 25, 2021 at 12.00 in Saransk in the assembly hall at the St. Fedorovsky Cathedral, a solemn ceremony of awarding participants and prize-winners of the XVII All-Russian Historical and Literary Competition with international participation in memory of St. birth of the Head of the Russian Imperial House E.I.V. Grand Duchess MARIA...

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The last victory of the Russian Imperial Army

On October 25, 1917, the last victory of the Russian Imperial Army was won in the deserts of Iran. A detachment of the Caucasian expeditionary corps under the command of the military foreman of the 1st Gorsko-Mozdok regiment Lazar Bicherakhov forced 2,500 Persian gendarmes to surrender.In World War I, the vast expanses of Mesopotamia turned...

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The Kuban Cossack army numbers more than 57 thousand Cossacks

 The Kuban Cossack army numbers more than 57 thousand Cossacks, according to the press service of the Kuban Cossack army.Related newsIn Sochi, a Cossack fire brigade extinguished a houseThe reporting meeting of the Kuban Cossack troops took place in Krasnodar on November 26.At the meeting, the ataman of the Kuban Cossack army, Cossack...

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Residents of Serafimovich honored the memory of the dead Cossacks in the Russian Civil War

Exactly 21 years ago, the Cross of Reconciliation was installed on Mount Pyramida near Serafimovich in memory of all the killed Cossacks: white and red. Several generations of local residents thought about installing such a memorial sign. And so it happened on December 2, 2000. - On that day in the morning, Cossacks, residents of the city,...

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Gallipoli Society memorial services for the White Warriors were held around the world

On November 20, 2021, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Gallipoli Society (1921 - 2021), solemn memorial services of the Union of the Descendants of Gallipoli were performed around the world. The Union was supported by the RIU-O, Publishing House White Cross, White Movement Memory Foundation and the Synod of...

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In the Kuban, they want to restore a monument to the Cossacks-lineers

The Cossacks of the Labinsky department held a motor rally along the first villages founded by the lineers. The Labinsk cordon line was created in the form of a series of fortresses protecting the lands of the Russian Empire from the raids of the highlanders. The offensive of the Russian troops under the command of Major General Zass led...

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Chamlyk commemoration: The memory of the White Cossacks who were killed in 1918 honored

 The memory of the Cossacks who died during the revolutionary battles was honored on June 7th in the Kuban. The Chamlyk commemoration took place in the region. They are dedicated to the Trinity Uprising, which became one of the most tragic pages in the history of the Cossacks.The veneration cross, at which commemorations are held, is...

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XII Congress of the Russian Monarchist Movement "For Faith and Fatherland"

On May 23, 2021, in the St. George Hall of the Russian Social and Political Center, the XII Reporting and Election Congress of the All-Russian Public Movement "For Faith and Fatherland" was held. The congress was timed to coincide with the 40th anniversary of E.I.V. Sovereign Heir to the Tsarevich and Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich.The Congress...

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Nicholas II birthday remembered in Chelyabinsk

Chelyabinsk Conservatives rallied in honor of the birthday of the All-Russian Emperor Nicholas II on May 18th 2021.Video link: https://youtu.be/wr4Yma5bL...

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600 people attend the Conference "Church and Cossacks: Collaboration for the good of the Fatherland"

On May 17, Moscow hosted the XI scientific-practical conference "Church and Cossacks: Collaboration for the good of the Fatherland." The conference was held within the framework of the XXIX international educational readings "Alexander Nevsky: West and East, the historical memory of the people." The organizer was the Synodal Committee...

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Cossacks from the Czech Republic to Paraguay: the project "Legacy of those who left their homeland"

From Europe to South America - The Civil War in the Russian Empire scattered Cossack troops around the world. But largely thanks to emigration, the Cossacks and their heirs managed to preserve memories of life before the October Revolution and relics of a bygone era. The project "The Legacy of Those Who Left the Homeland" is aimed at preserving...

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Luhansk PR Cossacks asked to join the Great Don Army

An appeal with a request to accept them into the structure of the Great Army of Don Russia was handed over by the Luhansk Cossacks to the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the public organization Union of Cossack Warriors of Russia and Abroad (SKVRiZ), Deputy of the State Duma of Russia Viktor Vodolatsky on May 12 during a round table in Luhansk.Google.News IA Red Spring channel in Google News“We live on the historical lands...

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The Tsarevich and Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich took part in the procession of St. Great Martyr George

 May 6, 2021, on the feast of St. Great Martyr George the Victorious, H.I.V. The Sovereign Heir Tsarevich and Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich, together with his Bride Victoria Romanovna, prayed on the day of his Name Day in the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Orekhovo-Borisov.The Grand Duke partook of the Holy Mysteries of Christ...

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A new nationality "Don Cossack" will appear in the Russian census

Residents of the Don region will be able to self-determine by nationality. This was stated by the head of Rostovstat Marina Samoilova. “Rosstat has compiled and approved a dictionary of nationalities, containing more than two thousand possible answers to the question of nationality. Of these, using the word "Cossack" - thirteen options. Also...

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The 100th anniversary of the Russian Exodus was widely celebrated in Crimea

Kerch honored the memory of all those who more than a hundred years ago were forced to leave their homeland as a result of the fratricidal war.  On April 25, 2021, within the framework of the Days of Remembrance dedicated to the centenary of the Russian Exodus , flowers were laid at the cross at the Kerch sea station, according to the...

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Kuban's Parade to the 30th anniversary of the rehabilitation of the Cossacks

On April 24, a parade of historical departments of the Kuban Cossack army took place in Krasnodar, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the rehabilitation of the Cossacks. The event took place on the Main City Square in compliance with all sanitary and epidemiological requirements - behind closed doors without spectators. The event was...

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A monument dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the end of the Civil War was unveiled in Sevastopol

A monument dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the end of the Civil War in Russia was opened in Sevastopol. Recall that the original idea was to erect a monument to Russian people forced to flee from the Bolsheviks who occupied the country. Hence the place of installation - the embankment...

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