
In the Kuban, they want to restore a monument to the Cossacks-lineers

The Cossacks of the Labinsky department held a motor rally along the first villages founded by the lineers. The Labinsk cordon line was created in the form of a series of fortresses protecting the lands of the Russian Empire from the raids of the highlanders. The offensive of the Russian troops under the command of Major General Zass led to the fact that the front lines of the empire expanded from the Kuban into the mountains. In 1841, on the Labinsk line, the Cossacks founded a number of villages, thereby creating logistical support for the regiments protecting the borders of Russia. The Linz Cossacks decided to hold a motor rally, timed to coincide with the 180th anniversary of the formation of the first stanitsas of the Labinskaya line. They started from the regional center, visiting two villages: Temirgoevskaya and Kaladzhinskaya. The chief of staff of the Labinsky department, Alexander Krasovsky, a person who is keenly interested in the history of the Linemen, a participant in the reenactments of the battles of the Volunteer Army in the Kuban, acquainted the participants of the race with a historical background.

- During the visit to the Kuban of Emperor Alexander II, the august ataman of all Cossack troops, after being in Yekaterinodar, he visited the upper reaches of the Laba. The Tsar examined the newly formed villages of Kaladzhinskaya, Andryukovskaya and Labinskaya. I met with veterans of the line Cossack brigades and received a delegation of the mountaineers who expressed their obedience after the long Caucasian war, - said Alexander Krasovsky.

The Cossacks visited the places where the autocrat, who was called the tsar-peacemaker, stepped almost two centuries ago. The delegation visited the site of the monument to the Cossacks of the line regiments who died in battles with the mountaineers and died of wounds.

- This race has strengthened us in the desire to restore the monument to the Cossacks-Lineers. In 1914, our ancestors thought: if there is a monument to the Black Sea Cossacks, then why is the Linear not the same? They collected money for its construction, but they themselves did not do anything, since such structures at that time could only be built with the permission of the emperor. They turned with a request to the chieftain of the Kuban region, Mikhail Babich, and he, in turn, to the sovereign. Having received the royal permission, the Cossacks erected a monument to the founders of the villages of the Labinskaya Line. One of them was in the village of Labinskaya, the other in Voznesenskaya. During the years of Soviet power, the monuments were destroyed. We want to recreate one of them in its original form. We carried out a lot of research work in the regional archive, but, unfortunately, did not find the project of the monument. Now we are working with St. Petersburg museums and archives, where it may have survived, - said Alexander Krasovsky.

The Cossacks of the Labinsky department are ready to build a monument at their own expense, perpetuating the memory of their ancestors.
